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Michael McShinsky

Michael McShinsky

Fullstack Software Engineer

I'm proud to welcome you to the Slipstream component library. Built with React and Tailwindcss, Slipstream brings together the best of your traditional component based css libraries while allowing for the flexibility that utility css frameworks come with.

Wrapped in React, Slipstream allows you to easily plug and play right into your existing React/Tailwind app without getting in the way. You can find all the information you need to get started at this LINK.

This is a continually work in progress and not fully prepped for v1.0.0 release. I'd like to get a few more components added, more documentation added, and a lot more examples added to the Templates section of this site.

In the future, I'd like to see this library expand into React Native, Angular, and Vue. There will soon be documentation and repository structure changes to allow this to happen and allow you to contribute to such endeavors. Bug reports are more than welcome and when v1.0.0 is released, the github repository will be released as well for contribution.

Thanks for taking the time to get to know Slipstream!